Welcome to The Vancouver Israeli Folkdance Society website! We were a non-profit organization, incorporated under the Society Act of British Columbia in 1985.
As of February, 2017, the Vancouver Israeli Folk Dance Society (VIFS) received charitable status and is now authorized by the CRA to issue tax receipts for any donations received.
The VIFS exposes the joy and the beauty of this dance style to the general community.
Our organization does not tolerate discriminations of any sort. Everyone is welcome!
As stated in our Constitution:
"The Directors may not reject an application for membership solely on the basis of the race, religion, sexual orientation or physical disability of the applicant.”
The mandated purposes of the VIFS, as stated in its Constitution are as follows:
1) To promote Israeli Folk Dancing in Vancouver and surrounding areas
2) To run a Recreational Israeli Folk Dance program in greater Vancouver.
3) To offer and run instructional programs and workshops of Israeli Folk Dancing in Vancouver and surrounding areas.
4) To provide an opportunity for all persons in the Vancouver and surrounding areas to experience elements of Jewish culture, as are inherent in the Israeli Folk Dance tradition.
5) To facilitate social intervention amongst the participants of the Society’s programs.
6) To raise funds or borrow money, purchase goods or services and to enter into rental agreements, as are necessary to accomplish the afore mentioned purposes of the Society.
7) To provide opportunities for students, to publicly perform their works, and develop their skills in conjunction with these learning activities and to undertake activities and ancillary and incidental to the above mentioned charitable purpose.
Code of Conduct for the Vancouver Israeli Folkdance Society
As written in the VIFS Constitution in 1985: 6:2
“The Directors may not reject an application for membership solely on the basis of the race, religion, sexual orientation or physical disability of the applicant.”
The VIFS is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all members, visitors, and staff. To promote safety and comfort for all, we ask individuals to always act appropriately when participating in our programs and to abide by the following policies.
1. All people participating in VIFS programs, are expected to behave in a mature and responsible way, and to respect the rights and dignity of other members, guests, visitors, and staff, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or physical disability.
2. No one will engage in disruptive actions including but not limited to:
a) Angry or vulgar language, including swearing, name-calling or shouting.
b) Physical contact with another person in any angry or threatening way.
c) Any demonstration of sexual activity or sexual contact with another person.
d) Harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language or menacing behavior…using offensive racial, misogynistic, homophobic, or chauvinistic references or language.
e) Theft or behavior that results in destruction of property.
f) Carrying or concealing any weapons, devices or objects that may be perceived as weapons.
3. The VIFS through its Executive Director, and Board of Directors reserves the right to remove from the premises any individual acting in an inappropriate manner and further reserves the right for disciplinary actions including, but not limited to, the cancellation of membership.
The VIFS is a society that is built of membership, and we offer a yearly membership for our dancers that include perks. Read about our membership benefits.
VIFS Executive:
Executive Director:
Pam Wolfman
Marilyn Weinstein
Acting Treasurer: Pam Wolfman
Sharon Davidson
Workshop/ Program Director:
Nona Malki
Social Director:
Avigail Cohen
Lolita Cofman
Member At Large:
Tzvi Adler
Glenda Leznoff
VIFS Teachers: